Companies House Micro Entity accounts
This is about the process of using the companies house web site to enter accounts. In Xero there are templates which produce the information you need.
Accounts prepared to FRS 105.
Directors loans
The following is on the assumption that the directors loans are below 7,500Euro and so disclosure is not required in the notes. FRS 105 (March 2018) 6B.20 Note 11
Page 1 Balance Sheet
There is a PDF of Page 1.
Broken into parts
See below for more notes.
Balance Sheet Current Assets
CA3: Creditors Amounts Falling within one year must not be a positive amount
It is a current liability.
Balance Sheet Liabilities
TNA == CR Capital and reserves must be equal to the Total net assets (liabilities)
This is taken from Companies House notes (side bar on side)
TCA Total Current Assets
In the companies house help this is referred to as Current Assets.
Cash or resources held for the purpose of converting into cash, these include stock, debtors and investments.
For micro-entity accounts current assets are not required to be broken down further, although a more detailed breakdown may be provided if you wish.
Prepayments and accrued income
Advance payments and sales that the company has not yet recorded in its books.
For micro-entity accounts this is not required other than for the cost of raw materials and consumables, value adjustments, staff costs and tax.